Call for Abstracts – ISCD 2023 Annual Meeting

The International Society for Clinical Densitometry (ISCD) welcomes submissions for research-, project- and best practice-based abstracts to be presented as posters at the ISCD 2023 Annual Meeting. 

Abstract submissions for this meeting will describe original findings of clinical or scientific merit and relate to osteoporosis and/or fracture prevention, fall prevention, team-based care, skeletal imaging, diagnosis, or treatment. Abstracts will be presented as posters or oral presentations and align with one of the following themes: 

  • Best Practices for Multidisciplinary Care Coordination 
  • Best Practices for Osteoporosis Management 
  • Bone Densitometry for Body Composition 
  • Central DXA: (DXA, TBS) 
  • Clinical Studies and Observations 
  • Leadership in Osteoporosis Management 
  • Diagnosis and Risk Assessment 
  • Epidemiology, Economics and Public Health 
  • Exercise, Rehabilitation and Fall Prevention 
  • Morphometric Measurements: (Body Composition, Vertebral Fracture Recognition, Hip Geometry) 
  • Non Central DXA: (QCT, pQCT, QUS, pDXA, FEA) 
  • Quality Improvement Projects (including office or unit-based projects) 
  • Skeletal Imaging and Diagnosis 
  • Socio-behavioral Medicine and Quality of Life 
  • Therapeutics and Treatment Adherence 

Important Dates

Abstract Submission Site Opens
October 11, 2022

Abstract Submission Closes
January 17, 2023       

Acceptance Notification
February 6, 2023

Author(s) submit Presentation:
March 1, 2023

Author Meeting Registration Deadline:
March 1, 2023

Download Full Criteria

Project and Best Practices Abstracts should feature:

  1. Purposes/Aims
  2. Rationale/Background
  3. Brief description of the undertaking/best practice, including the approach, methods, or process used
  4. Outcomes achieved/documented
  5. Conclusions, emphasizing implications for clinical or educational practices, and recommendations for research or future undertakings

Research Abstracts

(including instrument development, other methodological studies and research-based best practices)* should describe the methods used to carry out the research, identify variables and sample size, identify protocols and instruments used for evaluation, and describe data analysis. Research must be completed prior to abstract submission. Submissions should include:

  1. Purposes/Aims
  2. Rationale/Conceptual Basis/Background
  3. Methods
  4. Results
  5. Implications

Best Clinical Case Submissions should showcase: 

  1. Novelty. Cases should be new or out of the usual, conveying information that meeting attendees do not frequently see in general practice.
  2. Images of high quality and resolution. Viewers must be able to clearly see the areas of interest. Labels should be used as appropriate.
  3. Cases that provide educational value. Viewers should be able to gain knowledge by viewing the cases even if the subject matter is not in their usual area of practice.
  4. Cases that demonstrate overall merit, are well-written and easily understandable to all meeting attendees.
  5. Cases that are free of any Patient Health Information (PHI). (Any case containing such information will be destroyed.)

Character Count and File Size

The maximum character count for submissions is 2500 characters. The maximum file size for images is 25 MB.

Who should submit?

Residents, students, trainees and fellows, advanced practice clinicians, nurses, and technologists are strongly encouraged to submit abstracts and clinical cases. It is expected that all accepted abstracts will be displayed in person at the ISCD 2023 Annual Meeting and on the meeting app. Material for the meeting app will be due by March 1, 2023, for all accepted posters. 

Oral Presentations & Awards

Those selected for an oral presentation will be able to present their research during a live session in Chicago

Awards will be given for “Best Clinical Abstract,” “Best Technology Applications Abstract,” “Young Investigator Abstract,” “Most Interesting Clinical Case Abstract,” “Best Abstract from an Emerging Country,” and “Best Research Abstract.”

Poster and oral presenters must register & attend the meeting. Abstracts selected for an award and/or oral presentation will receive complimentary meeting registration. 

There is no charge for the submission of abstracts and there is no limit to the number of abstracts that an author may submit.

  • All those whose abstracts are accepted must present a poster at the Annual Meeting.   
  • All accepted abstracts are eligible to receive an invitation for oral presentation unless the box Poster Presentation Only has been checked.  
  • Speakers that accept an invitation to present orally will not be required to also present a poster on the same abstract but will need to submit a PowerPoint presentation for CME review by March 1, 2023. 

Qualifications & Eligibility

All authors must adhere to the following when submitting an abstract for the ISCD 2023 Annual Meeting:

  1. For scientific studies, the research described in the abstract complies with the guiding principles for experimental procedures written in the Declaration of Helsinki of the World Medical Association and the NIH Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals, 1985, and refers to the policy established by your Institutional Review Board. 
  2. All authors (submitting and contributing) must provide appropriate disclosures through the ISCD website at: 
  3. The contact/presenting author on the abstract must register for the ISCD 2023 Annual Meeting to validate the abstract by the author registration deadline of March 1. Abstracts without a registered author will not be featured on the ISCD 2023 Annual Meeting app, onsite or in the Journal of Clinical Densitometry (JCD). 
  4. Authors of an abstract describing a study funded by an organization with a proprietary or financial interest must identify the organization and affirm that they had full access to all the data in the study. By doing so, the authors accept complete responsibility for the integrity of the data and the accuracy of the data analysis. 
  5. If the manuscript associated with the abstract has appeared or will appear in print or online, on or before March 1, 2023, the abstract is not eligible for oral presentation and should be submitted for Poster Presentation Only. 

Registration information for the ISCD 2023 Annual Meeting can be found at: